
The words of a cyber security professional trying to help himself by helping others.

  • When it comes to Cybersecurity/InfoSec podcasts, there are about three categories that I can think of: Entry-Level/Narrative, General Information/News, and Technical/Pseudo-Technical. Here’s how I would describe the three.

    Entry-Level/Narrative: These podcasts are more focused on telling compelling stories that are accessible for the average person without any need for pre-existing knowledge in the field. As a result, they don’t include a lot of detail when it comes to the technical aspects of the hacks discussed. This would include: Darknet Diaries, Malicious Life, Modem Mischief, Hunting Warhead, What The Shell?, etc.

    General Information/News: These podcasts focus more on current news and developments in the InfoSec world. Some examples are: Hacked, Hacker & The Fed, Click Here, etc.

    Technical/Pseudo-Technical: This last category provides a little more technical detail than most other podcasts in the cybersecurity realm. Some examples of these would be The Hacker Mind, Error Code, Critical Thinking: A Bug Bounty Podcast, etc.

    From these three categories, here are my favorites.

    Hacker & The Fed

    Former FBI Special Agent Chris Tarbell and former Anonymous/LulzSec “Hacktivist” Hector Monsegur (a.k.a Sabu), who Tarbell caught and turned into an informant, cover current news in the world of cybersecurity while also working in relevant personal stories and light details of how hacks were pulled off and common InfoSec terms.

    Click Here

    Former NPR Investigations Correspondent Dina Temple-Raston covers everything from Hacking to Misinformation, Cyber Warfare, and Ransomware with a level of professionalism, production values, and research that should make her former employer proud.

    The Hacker Mind

    The first podcast on my list hosted by award-winning journalist Robert Vamosi. The Hacker Mind tells the story of topics in information security that are both old and new and provides a nice amount of technical detail for their listeners.

    Error Code

    Another podcast hosted by Robert Vamosi, Error Code “provides you both context and conversation with some of the best minds working toward code resilience and dependability today. Work that can lead to autonomous vehicles and smart cities. Error Code is your window into solving tomorrow’s IoT problems today.” It’s mostly focused on IoT and OT issues in the world today and the history of those issues.

    Critical Thinking: A Bug Bounty Podcast

    Out of all the “technical” podcasts on my list, this one is definitely the most detailed. In fact if you don’t have any knowledge of web application vulnerabilities, HTTP, HTML, Javascript, and other web-design related topics you may find it a bit difficult to listen to. The hosts Justin Gardner and Joel Margolis have a tremendous amount of knowledge about bug bounty work and interview some major figures in the scene.

    Darknet Diaries

    Darknet Diaries is probably the first show people think of when you mention “narrative cybersecurity podcasts.” Host Jack Rhysider has done a phenomenal job of weaving compelling tales from the world of hacking and information security for his listeners, as evidenced by the show’s success.

  • HTB: FootPrinting

    Next up in the HTB Academy curriculum is the Footprinting module, which is rated “Medium.” Here we focus on enumerating several common host and network protocols that you’ll find in many enterprise engagements (ie. FTP, SMB, NFS, DNS, SMTP, IMAP/POP3, SNMP, MySQL, etc.).

    Footprinting methodology is discussed early on in the Enumeration Principles and Enumeration Methodology sections and we’re provided with this beautiful and not at all intimidating diagram.

    Looks like a bunch of missiles or spaceships approaching a planet.

    Footprinting Lab – Easy

    Get used to seeing the name Inlanefreight Ltd. because that’s the fictional company used throughout the HTB Academy CPTS curriculum to simulate various aspects of a penetration testing engagement. Here they’ve commissioned us to test three servers in their internal network (your Easy, Medium, and Hard footprinting labs). First off we start with their internal DNS server, and show them how much information, especially anything that can be used against them, can be gleaned from this endpoint.

    Also, our “teammates” apparently found the credentials “ceil:qwer1234” (username:password) and mentioned that some employees of the company were discussing SSH keys on a forum (really?). We must use this information and the techniques learned in this section to find a flag.txt file stored on the server by the admins.

    So being the highly skilled and technical infosec professional I am (clearly being sarcastic here), the first thing I do is run an aggressive scan against the DNS server by throwing every Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) DNS script at it with the command nmap -p- -A –script dns*

    Besides making me seem barely better than a chimp smashing a keyboard, this scan actually gives me two useful pieces of information: the FQDN for a ProFTPD Server within their internal network (ftp.int.inlanefreight.htb) running on TCP port 21, and the fact that another ProFTPD Server running on TCP port 2121 is named “Ceil’s FTP” (I wonder what we could use to get into there…)

    Using the command wget -m –no-passive ftp://ceil:qwer1234@[Target IP]:2121 we’re able to download any available files from the main directory of Ceil’s ProFTPD server, which provides us with an index.html page with the following files revealed. (Look up the function of the -m or –mirror and –no-passive options for wget here).

    That .bash_history file looks interesting. Let’s see what Ceil was up to in his/her terminal.

    Well if I’m seeing this right it looks like Ceil made a directory named ssh, overwrote their OpenSSH private key with the text “test” to see if they had write permissions on the file, checked their user and group IDs and associated privileges, generated a new 4096 bit RSA key, removed the SSH directory with rm -rf (to delete root owned files and/or directories recursively), appended the contents of their public key to a file named authorized_keys, made a directory named flag, created the flag.txt file, and put it in that directory.

    First thing we can do to really ruin Ceil’s day is download their RSA private key with the command:

    wget ftp://ceil:qwer1234@[Target IP]/.ssh/id_rsa.

    Then we use that private key to log into the server via SSH with the command: sudo ssh ceil@[Target IP] -i id_rsa

    The last thing we have to do after logging into the server successfully is cd back into the home directory, enter the flag directory Ceil made, and output the contents of the flag.txt file to the terminal with cat flag.txt

    R.I.P Ceil’s career

    Answer: HTB{7nrzise7hednrxihskjed7nzrgkweunj47zngrhdbkjhgdfbjkc7hgj}

    Footprinting Lab – Medium

    Now we move on to the next scenario, and I remember this one being kind of annoying since I’m not that familiar with MSSQL Server Management Studio. Again we need to find out as much information about the server as possible and discover ways to exploit it. There’s a user named HTB already created on the machine and we need to find their credentials.

    Based on the mention of a server “everyone on the internal network has access to” this seems like it’ll have an SMB component to it. We start off with an nmap scan (sudo nmap -sC -sV -A <Target IP>) that shows us several services running on the server.

    The “microsoft-ds?” service running on port 45 is just SMB. There’s also an NFS share on port 2049 named mountd. Let’s start with that. Make a new directory you can mount the NFS share to (I named mine ft-mount) and use the command sudo mount -t nfs <Target IP>:/ ./ft-mount/ -o nolock to mount the share.

    If you go into the directory you’ll find a subdirectory named TechSupport. Checking the permissions for the folder will show you that you don’t have the ability to read it, but if you back out into your user directory (for me it was htb-ac-3686) you can use ls ft-mount/TechSupport to list the contents of the directory.

    In that deluge of support tickets, which all strangely have 0 bytes, there’s one that actually has something in it. Open it up and see what we’ve got.

    Well look at that! We’ve got credentials! Alex was sloppy enough to leave his username and password within his IT support ticket, and probably wasn’t aware of how easy it would be for a malicious cyber actor to access it. Let’s use these creds to access the SMB share on the target machine, first enumerating it with enum4linux-ng.py (make sure you use a ‘\‘ to escape out that exclamation point in Alex’s password).

    Wow! We were able to learn a lot from that. The domain name (INFREIGHT), the exact version, release, and build of Windows 10 running on the target machine, and the accessible shares in the image above. Of those five, only IPC$, Users, and devshare are accessible. Let’s now use smbclient to connect to the share.

    On the share you’ll find a text file named important.txt, but if you try to access it from your terminal you won’t find anything inside and may even encounter a bug where the file is cleared and you have to restart your Target VM (as I had to). So our next option is to use Alex’s creds to access the target machine via RDP (either Remmina or XFreeRDP, whichever you prefer).

    Now we’re on the target with a nice GUI to click through. And if you go rummaging around in the file explorer and navigate to the Local (C:)\Users\alex folder you’ll find our friend devshare and the mysterious text file with the suspicious name.

    These people have a real problem with leaving login credentials lying around. This is the login of the system administrator (sa) whose password is 87N1ns@slls83. Now if you’ve noticed our desktop on the Windows machine we RDP’ed into, you’ll see a shortcut for MSSQL Server Management Studio, which may have the HTB account info we’re looking for.

    Go ahead and either right-click on that icon and click “Run as Administrator” or close out your RDP connection and log back in with your administrator credentials (using Remmina or XFreeRDP with the username Administrator and the password visible above).

    From there you’ll have to put together a Transact-SQL query to find information about the HTB account. Digging through the folders on the database server shows us a table within accounts named dbo.devsacc. So we put together the simple query of SELECT * FROM accounts.dbo.devsacc where name = ‘htb’; and voila. Lab complete.

    Answer: lnch7ehrdn43i7AoqVPK4zWR

    Footprinting Lab Hard

    So first off I start with two nmap scans: one for UDP and one for TCP.

    These scans let us know that SSH, SNMP, POP3/S, and IMAP/S are all running on this target machine. We also get to see what capabilities the POP3 and IMAP servers have. But where do we go from here?

    Using onesixtyone to find SNMP community strings with a wordlist with the command onesixtyone -c /opt/useful/SecLists/Discovery/SNMP/snmp-onesixtyone.txt <Target IP> shows us the community string backup. We can then use braa with the command braa backup@<Target IP> to find login credentials for a user named “tom.”

    We then use curl -k ‘imaps://<Target IP>’ -user tom:NMds732Js2761 to access the e-mail inboxes on the server. The only one that matters is literally named “INBOX” and we can read the single e-mail sitting in there with the IMAP command 1 FETCH 1 RFC822.TEXT (which was a pain to figure out, let me tell you).

    That e-mail, for some reason, contains Tom’s entire RSA private key which we can then copy into a text file named id_rsa, provide it with the necessary permissions with chmod 600 id_rsa, and log into the server via SSH with Tom’s username and private key.

    We then use ls -al to figure out what files Tom has in his directory, including his history of most recently used bash commands (.bash_history).

    Tom recently accessed MySQL on this server using the command mysql -u tom -p. If we do the same thing and then use Tom’s password that we found via braa (NMds732Js2761) we’re able to access the MySQL database on the server.

    Traversing the SQL database, we can find our answer by first showing all databases (show databases;), selecting the users database (use users), and finally searching the users database for the user named HTB (select * from users where username = ‘HTB’;) we easily find our answer.

    Answer: cr3n4o7rzse7rzhnckhssncif7ds

    So there you have it. All three labs for the Footprinting module.

    Overall these were definitely not easy. The Medium lab especially was a huge pain to get through at certain points. Don’t get discouraged if you need to check the forums for an idea of how to progress or use the hint for the lab. No point in wasting hours or days stumbling around in the dark looking for an answer.

  • Firewall and IDS/IPS Evasion (Easy)

    So our goal in this first lab is to figure out the OS running on the target host without tipping off the client’s IDS/IPS solution and getting blocked. You can easily complete this lab with a basic service scan like nmap -sV [Target IP], but that might lead to too many alerts and you being banned by the IDS/IPS.

    That’s embarrassing.

    So instead we’ll use a slower timing template for our scan. I used T2 (a.k.a “Polite”) to pull this off.

    The full command I used was: nmap -sV -T2 –top-ports 100 [Target IP]

    This gives us our answer in a timely manner (I threw in –top-ports 100 because I’m impatient), and it avoids setting off too many alerts.


    Answer: Ubuntu

    Firewall and IDS/IPS Evasion (Medium)

    Now the client would like us to discover the version of their DNS server (really a flag in the bind.version parameter) after they’ve configured their security system to be a little tougher to deal with.

    For this question you can use the dns-nsid script with Nmap.

    I simply used the same example scan from the documentation for the script on nmap.org: sudo nmap -sSU -p53 –script dns-nsid [Target IP]

    This is a TCP SYN and UDP scan (since DNS can run on both depending on whether or not it’s actually DNSSEC), ensuring that your script doesn’t miss anything.

    Success! And it barely even registered with the security system.

    Answer: HTB{GoTtgUnyze9Psw4vGjcuMpHRp}

    Firewall and IDS/IPS Evasion (Hard)

    Lastly, the client has now sent one of its system administrators to a training course for IDS/IPS systems and wants to see if we can beat the newly educated admin’s configuration strategy for the security system by enumerating the versions of the services they’re running.

    For this task I used two commands:

    First, I just decided to be loud and scan the entire port range with sudo nmap -v -p- -Pn –source-port 53 [Target IP] -D RND:5 which revealed an interesting service on port 50000 named “ibm-db2.” This scan only produced about 11 alerts on the IDS/IPS system but don’t be mistaken, any half-decent SOC analyst would see this and immediately know what was going on, regardless of how many decoys you use.

    Anyway, we continue by using this knowledge of an IBM database management service running on our target host to connect to it with Ncat. The command we use, and pretty much all the information you need for these labs, can be found in the “Firewall and IDS/IPS Evasion” section. Just don’t forget to include “sudo” so you don’t get the libnsock mksock_bind_addr() error like I did the first time (socket privileges require sudo privileges, duh!)

    Answer: HTB{kjnsdf2n982n1827eh76238s98di1w6}

    Overall this section was pretty fair, despite some of the complaints people had in the HTB Academy forums. The modules throughout this section do a great job of spelling things out for you and giving you the tools you need to complete the labs.

    As a general rule of thumb for these HTB Academy materials, always go back and reference the material in the modules whenever you’re stuck. Don’t just refer to the cheat sheet and/or Google things aimlessly.

    Good luck with the next one!

  • Introduction


    I’m a cyber security analyst who has been studying the field since 2017, making a successful transition into that career path from a more administrative office worker role.

    In this blog I’ll be posting walkthroughs for things like rooms, boxes, and modules on TryHackMe and HackTheBox as well as reviews of my experiences with various certifications and their exams (so far Security+, CISSP, CCSP, and GCED). I may also give my opinion from time to time on things like the industry as a whole, the state of the current job market, recommended podcasts/content creators, and more.

    I got this idea when I noticed the lack of HTB Academy walkthroughs online and the frustrations people were experiencing in the forums along with questions I would get from friends and acquaintances about jumping into the industry. That and I realized remembering the contents of these labs and boxes would be much easier if I kept notes and screenshots in a place that wasn’t just some local directory I would forget about.

    So feel free to stop by, check out my posts, and hopefully I can show you something useful.